About Us

Our Mission

WAMSCO's mission is water conservation for the entire watershed: lakes, rivers, creeks, and groundwater. WAMSCO promotes Best Management Practices “boots on the ground” projects and assists with implementation to protect our natural resources. This includes various education events for our youth and the community year-round. Whether you live on the water, recreate on it, eat the fish out of it, or drink water, this resource affects everyone!

Shoreline Restoration

Shoreline restoration refers to the process of reviving and enhancing the natural habitats along coastlines. This practice aims to counteract the negative effects of erosion, pollution, and human activities on coastal areas. By implementing strategies such as planting vegetation, building seawalls, and removing invasive species, shoreline restoration helps protect shorelines from further damage while fostering biodiversity and improving overall ecosystem health. Proper shoreline restoration not only benefits local flora and fauna but also contributes to coastal resilience against natural disasters like storms and rising sea levels.

Aquatic Invasive Species Management

Aquatic invasive species management is crucial in protecting freshwater ecosystems worldwide. These species, often introduced through human activities, can have devastating effects on native plants and animals. Monitoring, early detection, and rapid response are key components of effective management strategies. Prevention through education, regulation, and enforcement is paramount to limit the spread of invasive species. Collaboration between government agencies, organizations, and the public is essential for successful management efforts. By working together, we can help preserve the balance and health of our waterways for future generations.


At WAMSCO, we emphasize the significance of our city's waterways to the youth in schools. Through education, we aim to inform students about the crucial role these water bodies play in our ecosystem and daily lives. By teaching about the importance of preserving and protecting our waterways, we instill a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship in the younger generation. Understanding the value of our city's water resources is vital for creating a sustainable future for our communities.

Agriculture Best Management Practices

Agriculture best management practices (BMPs) are guidelines designed to help farmers enhance productivity while minimizing negative environmental impacts. These practices encompass a range of strategies such as soil conservation, nutrient management, pest control, water conservation, and waste management. By implementing BMPs, farmers can improve soil health, reduce erosion, conserve water resources, and protect biodiversity. Overall, BMPs play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices that balance productivity with environmental stewardship.