Meet The Board Of Directors

  • Shanda Hubertus

    Lake/Small Agriculture Rep

  • Terry Nillissen

    Agriculture Rep

  • Mark Emerick

    Menominee County Rep

  • Susan Johnson

    Menominee County Rep

  • Dave Zelinger

    Board Member
    Shawano Lake Rep

  • Gary Tauchen

    Board Member
    Agriculture Rep

  • Jessica Meier

    Board Member
    CLPA Rep

  • Chris Sampson

    Board Member
    Wisconsin Lakes Rep

Meet Our Staff

Our History

WAMSCO began in 2014 as an informal group of Lake Associations and Districts coming together to collaborate on common issues and what possible solutions had been successfully or unsuccessfully tried. It was led by Brenda Nordin, along with other Lake Leader Institute (Crew 10) graduates. After meeting a few times, it became apparent that this group was very beneficial to those in attendance and should be formalized and expand to cover ALL waterways in Menominee and Shawano Counties. A Board of Directors of citizens involved in their local waterways was nominated and bylaws were written. Government persons from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin Extension, and both Shawano and Menominee Land Conservation stepped up to be valuable resources at each and every board and general meeting that is held.

Our Goals

Maintain/Restore Healthy ecosystems for all waterways within Menominee and Shawano Counties.

Make educational material and resources that promote shoreline protection and restoration best management practices available to riparian property owners.

Develop and maintain cooperative relationships between riparian property owners, waterway users and watershed landowners and operators to work in a synergistic fashion implementing best management practices to achieve high water quality and healthy ecosystem within the watershed.