Chris Sampson

Chris is a lifelong resident of Green Bay and dedicated outdoors enthusiast. He learned to fish with his Shawano County relatives on trout streams, at Shawano Lake, the Wolf River, and the Cloverleaf Lakes, where he and his family owned a cottage for many years. He was a past President of the Cloverleaf Lakes Protective Association (CLPA) and has been a WAMSCO representative since 2017. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors of the statewide Wisconsin Lakes association.

A newspaper reporter after receiving his journalism degree from UW-Madison, Chris spent most of his career as Communications Director for the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, writing frequently on environmental issues and providing staff support in media relations, marketing and fundraising.

He is currently an elected trustee for the Village of Allouez, a Director and Vice President of the Central Brown County Water Authority, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin.